Cookie Cutter Cover Letter: Looking for the Perfect Job

I have lost count of the number of “jobs” that I have in my life. For the last two years,  I have not had a single day on a traditional job site. Looking from the outside I may seem flighty, wishwashy, unfocused, and immature because I refuse to settle into the idea of a regular life with a 9 to 5. I am an entreprenuer but even in my own working life I have had a lot of trouble finishing a project before moving onto the next.  The epiphany is that my entire life is devoted to helping others in the best way I know how and that is ever changing.  But everyday that I am breathing I am working on 1 Goal: Share light with the world. That is my mission and everything that I do is centered around that simple idea.

When you meet someone for the first time most will ask, “What do you do?” It is the current belief that your profession or job title is a great way to meet. Each time I face this awkward moment I smile,while my mind scrambles for an appropriate answer.  Some days I am a writer and poet. Other days I am a production assistant to my husband in film/photography. It all depends on the where I am and who is the person asking.  Lately I have been using the simple answer, “I am an artist. ” But that usually just results in a series of follow-up questions.  And no matter how many ways I attempt to explain, the person leaves still having no clue of who I am or what I do.  Hmph.

The current belief is that what you do for a living is who you are. I challenge this idea on the basis that over the last 2 years I have not had a “job.” So did I stop living during that time I was unemployed.  Have I been just existing in limbo waiting for another opportunity to live again and find the perfect place for my specially designed cog in the Great Machine called Life. I have battled with these ideas my entire life because my inner guide could never seen to resign myself to the idea that Who I was could be described in a one page resume with cookie cutter cover letter.  ooh say that 3 times fast.

Cookie cutter cover letter. Cookie cutter cover letter. Cookie cutter cover letter….

See what I mean, even in writing this short blog. I was distracted by the joy of the clever way the words looked on the page. Quirky. Yes.  I love words. I love to write. And life should bring you joy.  I believe that is too much emphasis on income bearing opportunities and no regard for joy bringing experiences.  Hope this blog post brought you a little bit of joy and light to you.

TJ Nicole

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